House insurance application form

    Home Insurance Application Form
    1. Nationality:

    2. Address of the property to cover

    3. Communication address (if it's the same as above please leave this blank)
    4. Are you the owner of the property or renting? OwnerRenting
    5. Please state the square meters of the MAIN building
    6. BlockDetached House
    7. If it's an apartment, please state the floor:
    8. YesNo
    9. PermanentlyHoliday House
    10. YesNo
    11. ConcreteStoneConcrete with stone fittingMetalWoodOther
    12. YesNo
    13. Bank deposit - Cashe-Banking payment from a Greek bank accounte-Banking payment from an international account (+4 Euros fee)
    14. Please state the name and details of at least two people in Greece who we can get in touch with in case of an emergency. Ideally, please choose people not living with you

    15. Upload your photos here


  • * Required